By a Zelda freak for other Zelda freaks

All you need to know about Zelda!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Why Link is so Awesome

You may be reading this blog, but you might also be thinking,"Why is Link so cool?"  So I'm going to tell you:

His Name
His name just EXUDES AWESOMENESS!!!  I don't know of anyone else named Link.

His Clothes

Link wears the most stylish clothes ever!  Almost everyone has a Link hat these days.  And besides looking cool, his clothes are useful, like the Goron or Zora Tunic.   His clothes are more iconic than Mario, who people usually think of when someone says Nintendo.  It's also why the ladies are attracted to him.

Athletic Ability

Link is the only character I know who can run across a country on foot and still have enough stamina to fight enemies, push blocks, swim a stream, and do backflips.  He's strong, he's fast, he's agile, he's got it all.  He can carry all those huge weapons and not break a sweat!

His Weapons

Everyone agrees that Link has some awesome weapons!  He's got hammers, swords, boomerangs, bombs, bows, boots, bottles, slingshots, shields, and so much more!!!  And he can carry them all!!  He is also proficient in all of them!!  I think he has more weapons than Batman, even though Batman is a boss!!!

More reasons why Link is awesome and other stuff later, BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Yes he is the most awesome video game character not to mention probably the most iconic

  2. And he's attractive and hot *w*
